Jett Luchanko Is a Solution to the Toronto Maple Leafs Problems

Guelph Storm v Oshawa Generals
Guelph Storm v Oshawa Generals / Chris Tanouye/GettyImages

Jett Luchanko could be a sollution to at least some of the Toronto Maple Leafs problems.

Ok, I know what you’re thinking. There is no way that an 18 year old relatively unknown (or at least not as hyped) prospect from the Guelph Storm is going to make a significant impact on the Toronto Maple Leafs roster.

While I agree, Luchanko may not make a significant impact next season, he will make a significant impact in years to come.

Put it this way, why Luchanko? Why not a player like Henry Mews? A fairly large and defensively sound right-handed shot from the Ottawa 67’s sounds like something every Leaf fan (and management) want and desperately need.

It’s true, Mews would be a great addition to this new young core that the Leafs seemingly have brewing through clever drafting. Talented prospects such as Robertson, Liljgren and McMann adorn the roster (with a nice cameo from Cowan and Minten now and again), so why would the Leafs want, or even need Jett Luchanko?

Jett Luchanko Is a Solution to the Toronto Maple Leafs Problems

Firstly, Luchanko is a top-prospect in his own regard.

When I was invited by a friend at the start of the season to a Storm game, I was instantly impressed with his speed. Not his physical speed though. While Jett is quick, his mental speed is what was so captivating.

His ability to read plays before they happen and adapt accordingly was unlike anything I have seen (at that level) before. Jett possesses the unique ability to create plays seemingly out of nowhere by dishing quick passes and setting up multiple chances within one shift. His playmaking ability reminded me a lot of a certain Leaf wearing number 16.

However, while Marner has often been criticized for not shooting the puck himself, Luchanko instead has established himself as a top quality shooter, almost creating a dual threat causing even the best of defenders to be unsure of how to defend him.

This is proven through his (impressive) statline with the Storm of 20 Goals & 54 Assists in 68 Games Played, and Team Canada (yeah, Team Canada) of 2 Goals and 5 Assists in 7 Games Played. It is this ability that distances him from Mitch. While his goal totals may be slightly lower, there is no doubt that he will produce more when he is surrounded by higher-caliber players. (stats

Ok, now I need you to finish reading before you spam tweet me (@NicolasJFerrari), about how I’m wrong and the Leafs don’t need him and all that other nonsense that helps you sleep better at night. Here is my proposal:

The Leafs acquire Luchanko at this year's Draft with the 23rd overall pick. The Leafs now having a newer, younger, (and let’s be honest, more affordable) version of Mitch Marner, flip Marner to get either an NHL caliber goaltender, or a bonafide number 1 defenceman that can play alongside Morgan Rielly. My choice being the former because like I said earlier, we do have talented defenceman in our system that are almost ready to be utilized.

Luchanko can slot in with Cowan (you know, the guy that led the OHL in scoring) and Minten (that other guy the Leafs drafted that is, like, super-duper good at hockey) to start the season. The experiment of playing Matthews with Nylander worked well at times, but even I was considering Jarnkrok as well.

The lines aren't that important right now, what is important is the Leafs getting some NHL ready talent on an entry-level deal so they can spend elsewhere. Luchanko is a perfect fit, and I believe he is a great sleeper in the upcoming draft.


The Leafs should target him with the 23rd pick.