Last Year’s Top 10 Toronto Maple Leafs Prospects
Here is the full article, if you’re interested.
10. Mikko Kokkonen
9. Alex Steeves
8. Roni Hirvonen
7. Nick Moldenhaur
6. Fraser Minten
5. Ty Voit
4. Rodion Amirov
3. Topi Niemela
2. Matthew Knies
1. Nick Robertson
Here is the List from the Years Before That 2021-2022
And here is this full article as well.
10. Mikko Kokkonen
9. Semyon Der-Arguchintsev
8. Ty Voit
7. Mikhail Abramov
6. Matthew Knies
5. Timothy Liljegren
4. Topi Niemela
3. Rodion Amirov
2. Rasmus Sandin
1. Nick Robertson
Let’s see how this year’s list goes: