The new Prime series “All or Nothing: Toronto Maple Leafs” is coming out on Oct. 1 and will be available for anyone with a Prime membership.
It’s ironic though, isn’t it? “All or Nothing,” when we all know that, for the Toronto Maple Leafs, it is, in fact, “nothing.”
After losing, once again, in the first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs and destroying the tiny bit of hope remaining in their fanbase, the Leafs won’t exactly be giving their fans what were hoping for with this series. Especially after blowing a 3-1 lead in the series against the Montreal Canadiens.
So since this series isn’t about the team’s success in the playoffs, what is it about?
All or Nothing: Toronto Maple Leafs
Well, it turns out it will give fans a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on, outside the rink, in the locker room, and outside the arena, in general. It will show what each member of the Leafs looks like on a daily basis.
It may not be what the fanbase wanted, but it might be what they need, going into the new season with, perhaps, a lack of hope and excitement.
Most fans want to feel closer to the players on their team, they want to know more about them, but most importantly, understand what goes on in their minds, and this series could give them exactly that.
It has become clear over the past decade that the Toronto Maple Leafs are doing something wrong when it comes to the playoffs. No matter how well they play in the regular season, they can’t get past the first round, and that could be because of the lack of a “winning culture.” The young guys on the team right now have never won a playoff round, and that has probably gotten to them.
The mental aspect of the game is just as important as the physical aspect. If they don’t believe they can win, they won’t win. It’s like with anything in life – as cheesy as it sounds – you have to believe it to make it.
Now, this series could allow people to finally see what goes on in their minds, in their everyday lives, and how the coaching staff and management handle it.
As interesting as it will be to watch, this series won’t be easy for a lot of fans. But, if the team manages to win a few pre-season games by the time of its release, it could make it sweeter rather than bitter.
This series will also get a lot of views from Habs fans, who will be getting a good laugh out of it, but the more the merrier. Regardless, the Toronto Maple Leafs have a better chance at making the playoffs than the Habs in this particularly strong Atlantic Division.