Toronto Maple Leafs: WDYT? – Marner Image Follow Up

TORONTO, ON - APRIL 25: Mitch Marner speaks to the media in the locker room. The Toronto Maple Leafs had their final interviews and locker clean out day on Thursday following their loss to the Boston Bruins. Players came out to speak to the media as did the GM and Head coach. (Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
TORONTO, ON - APRIL 25: Mitch Marner speaks to the media in the locker room. The Toronto Maple Leafs had their final interviews and locker clean out day on Thursday following their loss to the Boston Bruins. Players came out to speak to the media as did the GM and Head coach. (Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images) /

The Toronto Maple Leafs still continue to wait for one of their best pieces to sign.

Again, as I mentioned a few days ago, there is a reason why Mitch Marner is referred to as “one of” the Maple Leafs’ best pieces. It’s because he isn’t their top player. Sorry. With this negotiation saga dragging into yet another month, it’s high time we all started living in the real world and recognized Marner for what he is: a very talented young player with a ton of potential. But that’s it.

Entering the offseason as perhaps the most universally-beloved Maple Leaf since Wendel Clark, the strategy Marner has taken to dictate the terms of his new contract has now made into a pariah.

Marner chose to feed thinly-veiled reports through industry media members. He chose to employ an agent who bears a track record of incredulous and, ultimately, fruitless negotiation cases. And he chose to let the world know that he was set to meet with other teams.

How has this impacted your perception of Marner? I asked you, our loyal readers, to let me know in the comment section of this week’s What Do You Think? As always, you did not disappoint.

Here are some of your most notable takes.

Ryan Korderas

Imho Matthews and Tavares are both worth more than Marner. Tavares willingness to take abuse and put himself in the right spots to score goals, has made Marner appear to be the reason Tavares had his best season goal scoring wise. While there is truth to that, I think that there is more truth to the opposite, that Tavares work ethic and goal-scoring ability is the main reason that Marner was able to have such a great year. I don’t truly believe that Kapanen or Jonsson are top 6 guys, and neither are talented playmakers, so Matthews scoring at a pace over a point a game is more impressive to me than Marner’s numbers with Tavares. I think Nylander is poised to have a breakout season with Matthews and that contract will begin to look like a steal, but time will tell. I like Mitch and hope he signs and stays at a number that isn’t astronomical, but I can’t stand the tactics used by his father and his agent. Before hearing his father’s and agent’s comments in the media I would have liked to see Marner wear an “A” next year, and see the “C” go to either Reilly or Tavares, but if he subscribes to all the media leaks coming from his camp and is really trying to fleece his hometown team I no longer see him as a top leader who is deserving of a letter. Hopefully, this is all over with soon.

Carol Lynne Calligan Beith

I am just wondering here. I wonder if fans in Vancouver, Boston, Colorado, Tampa, Calgary are upset that their young stars haven’t signed yet either. It seems to me that all the agents are hoping someone cracks and a gm overpay one of them. Then the floodgates open. I bet management is very concerned as well.


I think anyone who takes Marner’s negotiation personally should get a life. The market will determine his and all these other RFA’s value not the fans. He is not being disloyal. Camp is still several weeks away. We don’t know what he has been offered or is asking. If he signs and leads the team in scoring again, nobody should care how long it took to get done or what he’s getting paid.


Great clickbait…headline and all. Makes a lot out of nothing. From all accounts most first contracts are league formulated, RFAs let their agents negotiate their second contract, Ferris is going by a predictable playbook and the way the Leafs have paid their other top players is complicating the matter.

Fun reading the comments as a distraction but I really just want to watch hockey…the season can’t start soon enough.

Editor’s Note: Here, Alex apparently thinks “clickbait” means ” a title that literally explains exactly what the article is going to be about”. Great stuff!


From here on out, people will be divided on Marner’s reputation. Before his contract dispute, he was the darling of all players. Now, if he has a future hiccup, I don’t think he will get the support he once had from all the fans, who once never gave it a second thought.


To Hell with Marner. Get rid of him. Too much of a distraction. He’s good but not that good.


Let’s not kid ourselves. Marner from year one has been put in a position to succeed. First-line with teams best goal scorers. First-line power play. Doesn’t have the centres responsibility of playing down low in the defensive end. More than half of his points is due to playing with great proven goal scorers.  Matthews, limited ice time. Rookies or non-proven players on his wings. Until last year. Second power-play unit. Coach wanting him to focus on defensive responsibilities.  Yet, top-5 in goals league-wide every year. But Marner wants to kid himself and everyone else with his demands. Trade him to the islanders and he’d b lucky to get 70 points.


I will feel the same way towards him if he regresses, as I would to Tavares, who after having a brink truck backed up to his house, comes out and scores his career average in goals of in the low 30s. Or, if after barely any squeeze by the Leafs and no attempt at a team-friendly discount, Matthews, who has a better contract than McDavid, sits out another third of a year due to injuries. Or finally, Nylander if after sitting out until the last possible minute, disrupting the change room, and basically playing ‘marginal at best’ last year, comes out on Matthews wing and scores the exact same way he has done the two previous….61 pts.

Saying that, I don’t think any of those things will happen. With Marner on his wing, Tavares will score more than 40 goals for the second time in his career, Matthews will stay healthy and score 50, and Nylander will put up 70+ points. I also firmly believe that whatever Marner makes in his contract, he will either lead the team in scoring once more, or be very close to it. He will also be the only player mentioned above that will play in all facets of the game on a regular basis.


You f-ing EIL writers will do whatever you can to stir hatred against Marner. You are the lowest form of media there is.

Editor’s Note: Still higher than you! 

Kathy Roberts

Marner used to be my favourite Leaf – not any more. I just don’t get these players who seem to only care about money and being ranked above other players, and who put themselves above the team. It’s Marner’s choice to do that, but it’s my choice to now pick a new favourite player. Teams win championships, not individuals, and Marner should be thankful to be an important part of this incredible team. And blaming his dad and agent is B.S. He’s an adult and can make his own choices.

Jack Cooper

I’m thinking Marner is being given bad advice. He could and should sign at almost any amount. I don’t recall any other Leaf who stood to make more on endorsements than his contract. He’s coming across as spoiled or arrogant and I doubt he is; it has that appearance. Mitch…sign the next offer and get your backside to training camp in strong/fit shape. Talent and hard work for a few years instead of greed is how we want to remember you. Mitch will be a multi-millionaire no matter what this contract looks like.

Next. Mitch Marner is Not Different. dark

Thanks for reading!