What Do the Toronto Maple Leafs Need for Christmas

CALGARY, AB - NOVEMBER 28: Nazem Kadri
CALGARY, AB - NOVEMBER 28: Nazem Kadri /
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Toronto Maple Leafs
TORONTO, ON – DECEMBER 6: William Nylander /

Tim Chiasson

The Toronto Maple Leafs need Santa Clause to take the bullet proof vest away from Mike Babcock for Christmas.

Babcock is on a God-like pedestal in Toronto thanks to fans and media. That is a complete joke. This guy is a great coach, don’t get me wrong, but he isn’t super-human. He’s making some bonehead decisions behind the bench – and don’t pretend like you don’t know what they are.

Leo Komarov playing significant 5v5 minutes while being terrible. William Nylander being punished for not succeeding while being set up to fail. Matt Martin playing. Roman Polak playing. It’s 2017 (almost 2018) folks, it’s a different game than what your parents watched, despite what you want to believe.

Skilled players win hockey games. It’s a proven fact. You don’t even need stats to prove it – though they are available at places like http://Corsica.Hockey  if you have the patience to look beyond plus-minus and goals against average. Mike Babcock needs a reality check and a punch in the ego. The Toronto Maple Leafs goal struggles in December have more to do with the coach than the players and if you can’t see that then you need to take the Babgoggles off.

With the current team, the Toronto Maple Leafs have a chance to shock people in the playoffs, but not if their untouchable coach continues to make mistake after mistake without accountability.

Accountability is for everyone, including Sidney Crosby’s Team Canada coach.