3. v. Boston Bruins x1
I didn’t plan to show his three goals from his hat trick game in the order that is presented. It’s ironic because I didn’t even realize that I selected all three of the goals until I got to this final one. But, they were three of his best. Here’s his first goal that started off the hat trick.
Nazem Kadri makes a veteran play, realizing that he needs to dish the puck to his winger who in this case is Nylander. He was running out of time and space. Head up the whole time, noticing that Willie is breaking for the net.
Nylander collects the pass on the backhand on one side of Rask and drags it across to the other side for a surefire open net.
The way Nylander receives the puck is why Rask is so thrown off. It also doesn’t help that he came in with such tremendous speed. The simplicity of the one touch to the other side by Nylander forces Rask to make a decision on where to be positioned.
He chose wrong, plain and simple. Great feed for an even greater goal.