Maple Leafs Joffrey Lupul: Anatomy Of A Trade

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Max Pacioretty needs offensive support from the Habs, Joffrey Lupul can help provide that support. Credit: Eric Bolte-USA TODAY Sports

Montreal Canadiens’ Trade Offer

Why it will work:

The Habs have relied too heavily on Carey Price and his all-world goaltending to keep them in 1-0 and 2-1 games this season. They have struggled to score from top to bottom, besides Pacioretty, Plekanecs and Gallagher and could benefit from a healthy Joffrey Lupul playing alongside Alex Galchenyuk or David Desharnais.

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Moving Eller, who has never really lived up to his billing for the Habs after that one monster playoff run, allows Alex Galchenyuk to go back to his natural center position and tap into his VERY high potential, taking the next step in his development. The Habs also don’t take on any additional salary as with Toronto eating 1.75M of Lupul’s hit, he would carry the same cap hit as Eller at 3.5M per.

The Leafs get a hard-working, defensively responsible (noticing a trend here?) forward who has been a part of a few deep playoff runs and can impart that experience to the young Leafs. They also get another asset to flip at the trade deadline as players of Lars Eller’s ilk are the cream of the trade deadline crop.

Why it won’t work:

Rumours flew around the deadline about how the Leafs and Habs had almost completed a Bozak+Lupul to the Habs for a high pick, two good prospects, Lars Eller and Alexei Emelin, but that Lupul vetoed the deal using his limited NTC. If he didn’t want to move to a hated rival then, he probably doesn’t want too now. If the Habs decide that Lupul’s value is significantly lower due to his play down the stretch they may lose interest in him. The same injury concerns every other team is going to have.

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